Sukkot and Simchat Torah at CBI

A festive sukkah

Sukkot, and Simchat Torah are a great time to reconnect with your Jewish life at Congregation Beth Israel.  For more information on the chagim, click here!


The oldest, continuously functioning synagogue in Maine

If you’re looking for a welcoming Jewish place of worship in Bangor, Maine, come to Congregation Beth Israel.

Our Jewish learning center and synagogue offers you the opportunity to:

  • Build strong relationships with members of the Bangor Jewish community
  • Empower others to embrace diversity and fight for social justice
  • Improve your Hebrew literacy skills through Jewish group learning

Join us for Shabbat or weekday services to see what Congregation Beth Israel is all about.

Upcoming Events

JCEA Sukkot Party
October 20th @ 10:00am

Join us for a family friendly party in CBI’s awesome sukkah.  Snacks, games, Sukkot lessons, and more.

Taking the Mystery out of Tefillin
November 3rd @ 9:00am

Sunday, November 3rd is the first of a series of Sunday classes that include breakfast.

Our first will be, “Taking the mystery out of Tefillin”; why we lay Tefillin, when and how to place them. This class is for everyone. Men as well as women. We meet at 9 am for our usual minyan, and after the class we will enjoy breakfast together.
Please let our office know if you plan to attend.

Facebook Posts

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Tonight! 7pmDonald p Corbett Business Building UMaine ... See MoreSee Less
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Sukkot begins this week, and our food drive continues through the middle days (chol chomoed) of the holiday.It's a good day and time to think about Maine's tribal populations, who are disproportionately affected by food insecurity, with almost 30% living with it, higher than the national average.During this festival where we celebrate the "in-gathering" of our harvest products, it's a stark contrast to the circumstances faced by so many. Rambam tells us that no celebration is valid unless we share our bounty with others in need.Mazon, a Jewish response to hunger, has many wonderful programs, and partners with tribes to help reduce food insecurity. ... See MoreSee Less
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Thank you to our sukkah crew! We’re ready for the next holiday! ... See MoreSee Less
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Intro to Judaism – Death and Mourning

Intro to Judaism – Kashrut, the National Diet

Intro to Judaism – Torah